Modern technology and innovative techniques have allowed more dentists and pharmacists to customize medications to meet individual patient’s needs.
Dentistry Is an Area Where “One-Size-Fits-All” Medications Are Not Appropriate
Due to its variety of patients, dentistry is an ideal arena for compounded medications. From an 8-year-old getting a cavity filled to an 80-year-old getting fitted for dentures, each patient is unique and may benefit from custom-compounded medication.
Compounding Solutions
Working closely with Boulevard Compounding Pharmacy, your dental practitioner can prescribe medications for procedural anxiety, pain relief, dry sockets, fluoride treatments, gum disease, plaque removal, mouth ulcers, canker sores, oral thrush, tender mucosa, oral bleeding during dental procedures, gagging, and even tooth whitening.
Alternatives to Injections and Pills
Another advantage of compounded dental treatments is that they can be prepared in a variety of dosage forms not available with commercially produced medications. Topical anesthetic gels can replace painful injections. Liquids, pastes, lip balms, and even lollipops can solve several problems that pills just can’t.
Oral Medications Ought to Taste Good
One obvious challenge with dental-related medication is taste. Some commercially produced dental rinses, solutions, and gels have unpleasant flavors. Our compounding pharmacists can make these medicines taste better without changing their vital medicinal properties. Obviously, with children especially, making medicine taste better will make them much more willing to take it.
Common Compounded Treatments
- Dry Mouth
- Stomatitis and Mouth Ulcers
We are now licensed in MA, RI, CT & NH.
Authorized to dispense in NY
For more questions and other concerns, you may reach out to us here.